Registration to Lycée Français Charles de Gaulle: A Guide

Wondering about the Registration to Lycée Français Charles de Gaulle? Look no further. The Lycée Français Charles de Gaulle is located in the centre of London, and counts 3,450 pupils between 3 and 18 years. The number of pupils and their age varies depending on the feeder school. Speaking of, there are 4 primary feeder schools, in addition to the secondary school. They are École Primaire Marie d’Orliac in Fulham, École Primaire de South Kensington in South Kensington, École de Wix in Clapham and École Primaire André Malraux in Ealing. To learn more about them, read our blog here. The secondary school and fifth building in located in Kensington – this is the “lycée”, where our usual senior school and sixth form would be.

The Lycée Charles de Gaulle welcomes more than 40 nationalities, making for a lot of languages spoken between the pupils. This, added to the 27 clubs available to the pupils, makes for children leaving the school with a hard-to-equal open mind.

From kindergarten to Sixth Form, several paths are proposed to children, whether it be the French curriculum or a bilingual curriculum. The pupils most able in English and in the “plurilingue” section can take the English Language IGCSE in Year 10. After this, the children can choose to pursue the French curriculum, the international section (OIB) and the British section. The latter allows children to take more IGCSEs in Year 11, and A Levels in sixth form.

The school welcomes registrations at any level – there are no set entry points. In order to get a space, there are 8 registration campaigns each year to participate in. Each lasts 2 to 3 months, from September to the September the following year. For example, the campaigns for a registration to Lycée Français Charles de Gaulle for year 2023/2024 are as follows:

  • From 26/09/2022 to 20/11/2022
  • From 21/11/2022 to 15/01/2023
  • From 16/01/2023 to 05/03/2023
  • From 06/03/2023 to 16/04/2023
  • From 17/04/2023 to 28/05/2023
  • From 29/05/2023 to 18/06/2023
  • From 19/06/2023 to August 2023 (TBC)
  • From August 2023 to September 2023 (TBC)

Decisions are given within 3 weeks following the end of the campaign. Of course, there are some criteria that can give priority to certain children. Spaces are not given on a first come first serve basis. The criteria, in order, are the following:

  1. Children of French administration staff
  2. Sibling of a child already registered
  3. Children in another French school (within Agence pour l’Enseignement Français à l’Étranger – AEFE) for 2022/2023
  4. Children in a school that has a contract with France in 2022/2023
  5. Children registered in the UK, following a complete CNED cycle for 2022/2023
  6. French children following an “international” CNED cycle
  7. Other children

If you are applying for a primary place, you will have the opportunity to give your preferences and apply for all 4 feeder schools. The assigning commissions will offer you a space in the feeder school of your choice, should space be available. You might not be offered a space following the commission, or you might be offered a space at your last choice of feeder school and prefer to turn it down. You can do so, and be kept on the application list for the next commission. This is, of course, not risk-free: on the next commission, you might not get offered a space at all if children with a higher priority criteria are registered. You will need to wait until the next commission again.

Registration to Lycée Français Charles de Gaulle is done online, on the school’s platform. You will need:

  • A photocopy of your full family record book, or birth certificate if your child is not French
  • A photocopy of the family’s passports / IDs
  • A schooling authorisation (available on the platform)
  • The signed “Règlements et Procédures” form (available on the platform)
  • A notice to legal guardians (available online)
  • Proof of employment / job transfer in London (work certificate, payslip, recent work contract)
  • Proof of residence in London (recent bill, tenancy agreement)
  • Past 2 years’ school reports (or school certificate for the current year)
  • Vaccination card

A full guide on registration to Lycée Français Charles de Gaulle, created by the school, is available here, for more information.

Please CONTACT US for expert schools’ advice and support with applications to the 4 feeder primary schools for Lycée Charles de Gaulle as well as applications to the Lycée Charles de Gaulle. We also provide support and advice with applications to any other French school in London, and throughout the UK.