A high achieving London girls school battling for supremacy with places such as Godolphins and St Paul’s. It’s a highly competitive place to where only the top performers at primary level are encouraged to apply, and this momentum doesn’t diminish when inside.
The school is always in the upper reaches of league tables at both GCSE and A level. Refreshingly Maths is the most popular subject at a level, bucking the trend seen at other girls’ schools. It’s a great place for all-rounders as games and music are very well done here. The music department has been recently refurbished and a new performing arts centre opened in 2015.
Rowing is increasingly popular and so the school has sourced a prime boathouse on the Thames to facilitate.
Class sizes in year 7 and 8 can be quite large (up to 28) although this reduces in year 9 to the sort of size one can expect at any other independent school. School rules are in place for a reason… tough rather than tender, no nonsense rather than nurturing – but the bright and robust will thrive.