
Ashbourne College, London

For London and international families considering a private A-Level education for their child, Ashbourne College is a top-ranking institution that should certainly be on their shortlist.  A friendly and welcoming college nearby London’s prestigious Kensington Palace, Ashbourne College boasts 57% of exam results at A or A* and ranks in the top two colleges for

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State boarding schools

Are private schools worth paying for?

The benefits of independence With smaller classes, longer school days, intensive tuition, and an abundance of extra-curricular opportunities, private education has long been viewed, in Britain, as a surefire way of ensuring a child’s success. The state sector, famously, has fewer such provisions: classes are larger, facilities older and state schools generally produce lower grade

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Relocating? We discuss differences between the English and Scottish education systems

Context As England and Scotland are both nations within the United Kingdom, it is easy to assume – as many of our clients do – that they share an education system. However, education is actually a highly devolved area that differs quite significantly across the United Kingdom. In a previous post, we discussed how Cardiff’s

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Educating the gifted child

We have worked with many families whose children have a high level of intelligence and are thus particularly gifted.  Hopefully, the guidance below will benefit you if you are seeking to educate your extremely bright child.  Challenging Learning Experiences Educating the gifted child often requires providing challenging learning experiences.  A gifted child may be defined

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